07760 146857


Stone carving has a permanence and is an excellent means for art sculpture.


I have been producing stone sculpture and stone carving for over 25 years and have produced as much work in stone as in other mediums such as sculpting wood.

Stone comes in varying degrees of hardness, colour and quality which makes the selection of stone an important initial task to meet the specific requirements of a stone sculpture commission. I have worked with numerous types of stone, the softer stones are easier and quicker to carve and have a totally different feel to harder stones such as granite and basalt.

Being Welsh some of my more satisfying stone sculptures have been Celtic themed and the above shows a few of the commissions I have worked on over the years. I have found carving stone in situ to be much more satisfying than working in a detached artist’s studio, ensuring the final piece fits the location and is in harmony with the local environment.

JacTyIsaf Bronze